Why you may use SQL queries
The proper way to get information about your repo would be to create a Java or javascript webscript. To get info about documents you’ll need to use CMIS query language in it. But sometimes more convenient way is to use SQL. For example in the project I’m working on we use AppDynamics for monitoring. For one of the dashboards we would like to have a document counter and for AppDynamics it’s more convenient to get a result from database rather than response from an Alfresco webscript. So here we go!
First we need to connect to Alfresco database. You can refer to this post to do it: Connect to alfresco database.
Total number of documents in repository
This query will return number of nodes which have cm:content type:
select count(*) as cm_content_nodes
from alf_node nd, alf_qname qn, alf_namespace ns
where qn.ns_id = ns.id
and nd.type_qname_id = qn.id
and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0'
and qn.local_name = 'content';
To get number of folders (which have cm:folder type) replace content
by folder
. To see all available types run following queries:
select * from alf_namespace; -- namespaces
select * from alf_qname; -- qnames
For custom types change qname and namespace.
Document name - creator - date
This one will return human readable document name, username of creator and date when this document was created:
select nd.audit_creator as creator,
np.string_value as document_name,
nd.audit_created as created_on
from alf_node as nd, alf_node_properties as np,
alf_namespace ns, alf_qname qn, alf_qname qn1
where nd.id=np.node_id
and qn.ns_id = ns.id
and nd.type_qname_id = qn.id
and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0'
and qn.local_name = 'content'
and qn1.ns_id = ns.id
and np.qname_id = qn1.id
and qn1.local_name = 'name'
and nd.audit_created > '2015-05-06 14:59:00';
Please note that it only works with cm:content
types of document. If you did modification to the model and created some custom type, let’s say ep:content
, then you need to run this query:
select nd.audit_creator as creator,
np.string_value as document_name,
nd.audit_created as created_on
from alf_node as nd, alf_node_properties as np,
alf_namespace ns, alf_namespace ns1,
alf_qname qn, alf_qname qn1
where nd.id=np.node_id
and qn.ns_id = ns.id
and nd.type_qname_id = qn.id
and ns.uri = 'http://www.mycomp.com/model/epersonnel/1.0' -- change namespace
and qn.local_name = 'content'
and ns1.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0'
and np.qname_id = qn1.id
and qn1.ns_id = ns1.id
and qn1.local_name = 'name'
and nd.audit_created > '2015-05-06 14:59:00';
Number of uploaded documents per person
This query returns list of users and number of documents uploaded by them:
select audit_creator as uploaded_by, count(*) as doc_uploads
from alf_node nd, alf_qname qn, alf_namespace ns
where qn.ns_id = ns.id
and nd.type_qname_id = qn.id
and ns.uri = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0'
and qn.local_name = 'content'
group by audit_creator;
Number of users
Total number of nodes with type person
which is basically number of users:
select count(*)
from alf_node nd, alf_qname qn
where nd.type_qname_id = qn.id
and qn.local_name = 'person';
List of users
This query returns list of users from the Alfresco database:
select np1.string_value as first_name,
np2.string_value as last_name,
np3.string_value as username
from alf_node_properties np1,
alf_node_properties np2,
alf_node_properties np3
where np1.qname_id in (select id from alf_qname where local_name in ('firstName'))
and np2.qname_id in (select id from alf_qname where local_name in ('lastName'))
and np3.qname_id in (select id from alf_qname where local_name in ('userName'))
and np1.node_id = np2.node_id and np1.node_id = np3.node_id
order by 1;
Get node’s properties
with tt as (
when long_value != 0 then cast(long_value as TEXT)
when float_value != 0 then cast(float_value as TEXT)
when double_value != 0 then cast(double_value as TEXT)
end) as value,
ns.uri as namespace,
qn.local_name as qname
alf_node_properties np,
alf_qname qn,
alf_namespace ns
where np.qname_id = qn.id
and qn.ns_id = ns.id)
select * from tt
where qname = 'name'
and namespace = 'http://www.alfresco.org/model/content/1.0'
and VALUE = 'Document name';
where node_id = 19304; -- by node id
More queries are coming! Stay tuned =)