Blog Archive
- Client is missing an icon
- Google Meet meeting in one shortcut
- The right way to learn aliases
- Awesome WM customization / development setup
- Lockscreen for AwesomeWM
- Juniper VPN on Ubuntu (part 3)
- FontAwesome 5 in GWT
- Add locally installed libs to Python SDK in IDEA
- Rambox dark panel
- Toggle systray visibility in Awesome WM
- Spotify integration with i3
- Run Camel route for a given amount of time
- IntelliJ IDEA for Jekyll blogging
- Apache Camel - BouncyCastle not registered error
- Awesome taglist for Awesome WM
- Juniper VPN on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit (part 2)
- Simple calendar widget for Awesome WM
- Useful Kafka commands
- Weather widget for Awesome WM
- Widget notification for Awesome WM
- Rambox dark theme
- Installing LTTng on CentOS
- LTTng live streaming example
- Upgrading to Awesome WM 4
- Mouse Battery status widget for Awesome wm
- Tag cloud for Jekyll using D3.js
- MySQL order by field in Criteria API
- MySQL fulltext search with JPA
- Juniper VPN on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit
- Making fn-keys work in Awesome WM
- Native user automation tool for Awesome WM
- Polymer - DuplicateDefinitionError a type with name is already registered
- Polymer based PDF viewer component
- Customize alfresco footer (Aikau)
- Customize alfresco footer (Surf)
- Spotify integration with Awesome WM
- Spring Data Rest - change of base path not working
- Solving Angular JS CORS issue
- How to create widget for Awesome WM - part 2
- How to create widget for Awesome WM
- E-mail widget for Awesome WM
- Install Jekyll 3
- Different image styles in Jekyll
- Merge folders in Alfresco
- CMIS path query
- Related posts (by tag) without plugin for jekyll
- Jekyll Dark Clean Theme
- Simple DnD file upload without js libraries
- Perform an update using Angular's $resource and Spring Data REST
- Use DBus instead of pread/popen/spawn_in_shell in Awesome WM
- URL monitoring extension for AppDynamics in Ruby
- Rhythmbox integration with Awesome WM
- Use Google Keep in Awesome WM
- How to install Ruby without root privileges
- Battery and Sound volume widget for Awesome WM
- Get list of currently logged users
- REST call monitoring extension for AppDynamics
- Some useful Alfresco queries
- Solving Lenovo m5400 touchpad problem
- Awesome wm quickstart
- Customize drag-and-drop component
- Enable document view event for RM audit
- Connect to alfresco database
- Some useful regex tips
- Custom facets in alfresco 5.0.a
- Wipe alfresco database