E-mail widget for Awesome WM

Email widget for Awesome WM

Install Jekyll 3

Recently Jekyll 3.0 was released (26.10.15) and then 3.0.1 (17.11.15), it took me some time to upgrade my version of it. Here is how I did it.

Different image styles in Jekyll

Using markdown for writing posts is very convenient and easy, but since markdown converts to html there is not much ways to customize styles of some elements in result html, like styles of an image. Here I'll show how it could be solved.

Merge folders in Alfresco

Recently I needed to merge two folders in Alfresco, I didn't find any relevant method so I come up with following utility method to merge folders.

CMIS path query

Query for path in CMIS is quite powerful tool to get folders/documents from repository. Here is some useful examples/tricks.

Related posts (by tag) without plugin for jekyll

I'd like to share with pretty awesome stuff here! I'll show how to select and display posts, which have same tags as currently opened post...without any plugins!

Jekyll Dark Clean Theme

Here I want to introduce you the dark theme for Jekyll. It was forked from Scotte's jekyll-clean theme and customized.

Simple DnD file upload without js libraries

Simple implementation of drag-and-drop component based on basic 'input type="file"' HTML tag without any js libraries.

Perform an update using Angular's $resource and Spring Data REST

Use DBus instead of pread/popen/spawn_in_shell in Awesome WM

After I started to use some widgets in Awesome I've noticed that sometimes it freezes for several seconds, so I cannot switch between tags or run