Solving Lenovo m5400 touchpad problem

After several days of using my Lenovo m5400 I faced serious problem with built-in touchpad. Sometimes it didn't work at all, sometimes every touch I made was understood as scrolling, sometimes it was stuck for several seconds and started to work again. Here is solution to this problem!

Awesome wm quickstart

I am big fan of Ubuntu, but I've never liked the Unity shell, so I was using a Gnome shell mostly. But recently I decided to switch to the Awesome window manager. I watched few videos of it and I quite liked the idea of being able to control size and number of windows per workspace. So I've installed it and here want to share some of my problems with solutions.

Customize drag-and-drop component

Probably you even didn't have enough time to have a look on pop-up window because in case of successful upload it immediately hides. Which is quite sad because it could show a bit more to the user than just a status of upload. I will show how to improve this component and get a bit more from it. This article is split in two parts. This one covers the UI changes. The second one will show how to extend functionality of upload webscript. I'll post a link to it here when it would be written.

Enable document view event for RM audit

I was quite surprised when discovered that out-the-box alfresco RM doesn't audit document view action. After suffering for a while I've finally managed to turn it on!

Connect to alfresco database

For better understanding of Alfresco sometimes it's needed to see Alfresco tables. Here I'm showing how to connect to Alfresco Postgre database on a server and to h2 database during development.

Some useful regex tips

Recently I've started discovering some new features of regular expressions which I didn't know before. Here I want to share some of these discoveries. Also I would like to write some useful patterns which are needed sometimes, but to write them from scratch could take some time.

Custom facets in alfresco 5.0.a

Alfresco 5.0.a is the first version with faceted search support. By default it supports 7 facets. Here I'll show how to add custom facets on custom metadata.

Wipe alfresco database

Here I'm showing how to wipe alfresco database.

Set environment from command line

This post describes how to change Alfresco environment for DB connection using command line arguments.

Automatic site creation

During development I quite often purge Alfresco database and after each purge I need to manually recreate all the content that has been deleted such as sites, peoples, folders and so on. In this post I'd like to show how to create sites automatically with a simple webscript.