Apply next Copilot suggested word in JetBrains IDEs
Quickly Switch Between Projects in JetBrains IDEs
Here is how you can easily switch between projects in JetBrains IDEs
Client is missing an icon
I didn't have an icon for Rambox and finally found how to add it
Google Meet meeting in one shortcut
The right way to learn aliases
Just want to share how I managed to learn quite a lot of new and useful aliases.
Awesome WM customization / development setup
Lockscreen for AwesomeWM
A few-liner lock screen for Awesome WM using i3lock.
Juniper VPN on Ubuntu (part 3)
Finally there is a super easy way to use Juniper VPN on Ubuntu (and probably on other distributives as well).
FontAwesome 5 in GWT
In GWT it's easy to include CSS resource, but since FontAwesome is not only CSS - it's also font files (woff, eot, etc.) it took me some time to do it.
Add locally installed libs to Python SDK in IDEA